I know most of the design community in London has had a hand in making Orange the brand that it became. I've lost count of how many people I've met who claim to have created it. Or the number of sceptical looking expressions I’ve endured as I’ve explained my involvement over the years. It’s true that success does seem to have many fathers. All I know, is I was lucky enough to be in the right place, at the right time, to work with some amazing people at Wolff Olins during the early days of my career – they know who they are. Besides drawing the logo, and being naive enough to push hard for the name (the client wanted to call the new business MicroTel), I got my first taste of rolling out a global brand – spreading the word in Australia, Thailand, India, Israel and the rest of Europe. If anyone tells you the logotype is Helvetica, it's not. It's mostly News Gothic BT, with a Helvetica ‘g’ – as you'll see if you look closely at the original sketches below. I’ve only included the logo here as reference to a project I worked on for almost nine years, because it’s the only part I can honestly claim I created myself. Oh… and it's square so it doesn't look like an orange.