When Hutchison Whampoa sold Orange, the money they made went towards buying up 3g licences around the world. 3 almost felt like visual reaction to Orange – where Orange is simple, 3 is complex. Orange was conceived as a brand for the UK in the '90s, 3 was designed to talk to a global audience in the 21st Century. I spent almost seven years working with WHAM rolling the brand out around the world. In each country 3 would take on a different personality and it was our job to maintain a sort of ‘consistent diversity’ – so it felt Indonesian in Indonesia, Italian in Italy and Australian in Australia. In name at least, 3 is the purist expression of brand I've worked on – it needs no translation. In each country its name is driven by language – Drei in Austria, Tre in Italy, and so on. Its visual expression is remarkable, a single universal character, drawn by Miles Newlyn, to look unlike any other. 3 continues to evolve around the world, as does the tireless work of the folks at WHAM. I wish them well.